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How to resize in Medibang

Last Updated Jul 18, 2022

You're trying to figure out how to resize your image in Medibang Paint Pro, so you can post it on social media or use it as the cover for your webcomic. This article is written for you! There are several ways to accomplish this depending on your intention. If you are concerned that the instructions following will affected your original file, remember to save it as another file before beginning.

I. Resize the image with Image Size:

If you want to quickly make your entire artwork smaller or larger, go to the Edit -> Image Size option.

Resize Image in Medibang

A setting box will appear.

Change the Image size with Medibang

1. Put a new number on your file size. Don’t forget to switch the right unit (px, cm, inch).

2. You can quickly increase or decrease the size based on the percentage. For example, make it larger by 200% than the original size and click Apply. The new file size will be calculated automatically for you.

3. Change the resolution, which will also change the image size. However, this one won’t make your file look better after it is enlarged.

4. Unticking this box will cause a distorted image. Be careful with this box.

Resize Image in Medibang without Constrain Proportions

5. Click this Reset button to go back to your original size.

You can also see this tutorial quickly in this video:

II. Resize the Image with Canvas Size:

This is your option if you don't want your painting to be altered when the size of your canvas changes. To access this box, go to Edit -> Canvas Size.

Change Canvas Size in Medibang

And we have Canvas Size settings box:

Resize Canvas Settings box

1. This is the preview window that will display the final outcome.

2. Tick the circle for the place where you want to set the reference point. Based on this, Medibang Paint Pro will adjust the size of your canvas.

Set the reference point in Canvas Settings box

3. Unticking this option will allow your artwork to stay even if some of it extends over the new canvas.

Canvas Settings for uncut painting in Medibang

4. Same as Change Image Size function, you will give Medibang the new size here using the desired unit.

5. Use this button to quickly switch the height and width size if you fill them accidentally.

And that’s how to resize in Medibang Paint Pro! You can choose the right one to be sure whether it will affect your painting. The next post will be about how to resize and distort your painting in Medibang Paint Pro.