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Medibang Settings

Last Updated Nov 30, 2021

This post will discuss Medibang Settings to assist you better understand how to customize Medibang to your own needs. If you are looking for a way to scale the canvas in Medibang, you may read this post for additional information: How to resize in Medibang

Let's move to Environment Settings of Medibang Paint Pro. This window is essential for a digital artist when you are working on an art program. You can also change the way your drawing tablet affects the program.

How to open the Medibang’s Environment Settings?

Using Medibang Cloud Service window

When you start the Medibang Paint Pro program, it will appear right on the Medibang Cloud Service window at the beginning. You can open the Medibang Cloud Service window again by clicking this button on the top menu. Simply click the Environment Settings button. A window you are waiting for will appear right away!

Using top menu and hot key

If you are not in love with the Medibang Cloud Service window, you can quickly open the Environment Settings with the top menu: File -> Environment Settings...

You can also open this lovely window real fast with just a simple hotkey button: Ctrl/Cmd + K

Now you already have the Environment Settings window on your screen. Let's find out what we can change on Medibang Paint Pro!

The Environment Settings

Wheel Direction

If you scroll the mouse wheel, the canvas you are working on will zoom in/out. Click invert will make it work opposite direction, zoom out-in. For the drawing tablet, these settings may not affect your dial-wheel if you have it. You can change this zoom in/out on the tablet program.

Rotation Degree

The number on this box will change the degree whenever you rotate the canvas on Navigation Window. You can also use the top menu Edit -> Rotate Left/Right for do it manually. And, of course, the canvas will be rotated precisely at the degree you chose in this box.

Zoom by Dragging

Pressing Ctrl + Space on Windows or Command + Space on the Mac will change the cursor to a magnifying glass. Honestly, I don't pay much attention to this box because it is just zooming your screen, which the mouse wheel or dial-wheel on a tablet is enough. However, if you are using a tablet without a dial-wheel, this will be a quick way for zooming. Just choose the thing that fits your working tool.


      Zoom by Preset % will zoom in and zoom out at the selected ratio.

    Smooth Zoom allows you to zoom in and out while adjusting the ratio according to how fast or slow you drag.

Drag Direction: You can select Drag Up & Down or Drag Left & Right to use the zoom function.

Edit mode

You can't change this box since Medibang allows you to use all its features (Professional Mode). However, if you are curious, Medibang did have Standard Mode, which has simple functions.


AntiAliasing helps you to have a smoother line. It would be best if you ticked this box, and the AntiAliasing will start whenever you open the program. If you are a fan of the rough/jagged outline artwork style, you can turn this off. It can also turn on and off for each tool you are using.


This option will let Medibang show the Rotation bar in the Navigator window or not. By dragging the bar, you can change the angle of your canvas.

Well, I didn't use this option much, so I just turned it off.

Text Rendering

You must tick this box Use Native for the best performance. Untick this box may let the letters displayed in the vertical format. Or you can't find where it is supposed to show on the screen/canvas.

Path Indication

Tick this box to let your canvas tab display a full path (including the file location). Or just the file name only on the tab above canvas if you untick it.

Example for full path:

File Dialog

Same as Text Rendering, you must tick the Use Native box for the best performance. But if you are a retro-style person, you may love the outdated look whenever you open/save a file with Medibang Paint Pro.


If you are using a touchpad or have multitouch abilities, you can turn this on/off for the best performance.

Auto Recovery

You must turn this option on! When you draw on the digital device, problems will be there anytime. Your computer may shut down for any reason (blackout, crashing program), and you may forget to save your drawing. Many hours of hard-working time will be gone forever. You have to start at the blank page again. The Auto Recovery will automatically help you save your artwork at the designed time. Just type the time you want this program doing this tiring job for you (1-120 minutes).

Not just Medibang Paint Pro only, whenever you are using any programs on a computer, you should find and turn the autosave function on for your sake!

Display Magnification

If you think the buttons/windows/tools displayed on the Medibang Paint Pro window are too small, you can make it look bigger with this box. Click the arrow up/down to resize everything in Medibang to fit your eyes.

Example for 300% size:

Size of Text Preview

Change the preview of the style in the Text tool. Only applied to the Cloud Text Rendering, your computer installed fonts won't show in the preview.

Shift Button and Select Range

I'm trying to understand what those options are but have no idea! I also searched for the Japanese version, but they don't have anything that looks like the "Shift Button".

I'm trying to test around, but the Select Range didn't have any responses. I haven't checked the mobile version. I hope I will find out what this means later.

That's all about Medibang Paint Pro desktop version Settings. In the next post, we will check your Brush Coordinate and some problems with Medibang Paint Pro. After that, we are ready to start a real job with this program!