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Understanding Medibang Window

Last Updated Nov 24, 2021

For the old digital artist, you may not need this post. But you are a beginner, and my suggestion is you should understand the program before starting your artwork. Medibang Paint Pro is the tool. Understanding your tool will help you work faster. Let the program help you, not make you tired of it.

Now you have already downloaded Medibang Paint Pro to your desktop. Did you install it? Yes? Click on the icon to open it. You will see 2 windows appear on the screen.

I. Medibang Cloud Services window

The first one you see is the ads window. Well, just click OK or turn it off.

The next one is called Medibang Cloud Services window. Let's see what we can do with this.

1. Illustrate

You can quickly create a new file for drawing with this button

2. Draw manga

Click here to create a new file on the Medibang Cloud services. You can use Medibang Cloud for the Group feature (read more here if you want to know: "What is Group feature?"), or transferring data.

3. Open buttons

Quickly open the old files that you put somewhere on your computer and cloud

4. Submit work

This section is for uploading your work to the Medibang website. Choose the right things you want to upload for the right button.

5. Environment Settings

Click this to change the way Medibang works. This is another must-do before drawing. But let's talk about it in the next post!

6. Tutorial

Find more useful tutorials from other Medibang users on the Medibang website here

7. Language

You can change the language that appears on Medibang Paint Pro to your mother language. Example: You can change the language to Japanese if you are coming from Japan. Remember when you choose another language, the program needs to be re-open for change.

II. Medibang Paint Pro's Interface

After checking everything on the Medibang Cloud Services window is working fine, we will move to our main character: the Medibang Paint Pro window. This is the place you will be working and creating your artwork.

Medibang Paint Pro interface

1. Top menu

The first one is the Main menu bar

Main menu bar

All the features and things you need to find when missing something will stay here. Just wandering around all those sections on the top menu if you need some filters/tools/... that have not appeared on the screen.

Right below the main-menu bar is the sub-menu.
a. You can quickly access the Medibang cloud with those buttons.

b. A shortcut way to undo/redo your step

c. This menu will change depending on the tool that you are using.

2. Toolbar

You need a brush, and an eraser to draw. Choose the right one from here and start your work. If you want to paint, choose the brush. If you want to erase something, choose the eraser. I will talk more about this in another post

3. Color window

Pick the color from this window to start your painting. The palette box will help you remember the color you frequently use. 

4. Brush window

The brush section is the place you will visit a lot. You will pick the right brush for your painting. You can download more brushes from Medibang cloud or create one for your own. They will provide some default brushes at the beginning.

5. Layer

This window is a complex place for loving and using. It may be simple but also is not. But understanding how layers work is a must-do when you create digital artwork

6. Navigator window

Navigation window

The full image of your opening canvas will be displayed in this window. It will be the best thumbnail to see the whole job you are working on. If you are trying to zoom in/out of the canvas, this Navigator window won't be affected. The only thing that changed in the Navigator window is the red frame. It shows exactly the place you are trying to zoom into the canvas. By moving the red frame, you can also move the area display in the canvas you are working on.

III. Custom Medibang Paint Pro apprearance

You can also re-design the appearance of the Medibang Paint Pro desktop. Just click and hold the banner of each box. Then drag and move them to the right place you want to.

Move Medibang window

If you want everything go back to the default, go to Window -> Initialize to reset.

In case you accidentally turn off a window and want it back, go to the Window menu to open it.

Example: You click X on the Brush control window. To open it again, go to Window -> Brush Control to get it back.

You can watch this video to understand more about how to get back your windows on Medibang Paint Pro:

And that's all about the Medibang Paint Pro's software interface. Let's talk about Environment Settings on the next post!