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Create New Canvas in Medibang

Last Updated Dec 11, 2021

Now you have your graphics tablet and Medibang Paint Pro on your desktop, let's create a blank page for drawing! 

We have two ways to create a new file in Medibang Paint Pro: create a single file on your computer and create a file/multiple sheets on Cloud Project. You can find the way to create files on Medibang Cloud Project in this post: Group Projects in Medibang Paint Pro. This article will talk about creating files on your computer only.

You can also watch this video for a quick tutorial: 

I. How to Create a new File in Medibang Paint Pro

The first option is click to menu File -> New…

Create New File in Medibang menu

Or using hotkey Ctrl + N. There’s another alternative shortcut you can try is Alt + F then click N. Both of them are the same in Medibang Paint Pro. Just pick the way that is convenient for you.

Right after that, you can see Create New Image window pop-up. You can decide your paper's canvas size, resolution, and background color in this box. 

Create New Image window in Medibang

II. What is New via Clipboard in Medibang?

The File -> New via Clipboard menu is used for pasting the screenshot you take on your computer or an image you've just cut/copied to Medibang Paint Pro. You can capture a screenshot with a tool or use the Print Screen button on your keyboard. This option is the best choice for editing your picture: making a tutorial, revising the script with your team, and quickly editing the image when teaching or working from home.

Example: I will use the Snipping Tool, a default tool that we have in Windows. You can use the Print Screen button if you can't find this tool anywhere.

Screenshot with Snipping tool on Window

Then I will use it to capture the picture I want to show. You don't need to save this picture; just capture it. You got this:

Capture a Screenshot on desktop

Open Medibang. Choose File -> New via Clipboard

New via Clipboard in Medibang

And the picture you took a screenshot of before will be appeared in the Medibang program, ready for your editing!

Screenshot with New via Clipboard in Medibang

Easy, right? Now you know where to create a new file in Medibang Paint Pro. Let me talk about the Create New Image window in the next post. Understanding the Create New Image settings in Medibang helps you determine the proper paper you need for your artwork.